Well my wonderful followers & friends,

I’m sure you’ve seen my attitude change recently towards the @CPC_HQ. And some of you aren’t touching those tweets with a 10 ft pole. Lol.

But I can’t call out the @liberal_party for using racism as a weapon & ignore the @CPC_HQ

I would be a hypocrite. I would lack integrity. I would lack morals.

I was taught long ago by my parents to stand up for what I believe to be right. Even if I have to stand alone

So if this makes some of us part ways I understand

And to those that do I wish you good luck
It’s nothing personal, not on my end anyway.

But I cannot accept that cancel culture & fake racism used as a weapon is acceptable. Because it’s not.

So vote for whomever you like, think & say whatever you like.

And so will I. Take care folks. Have a great day.
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