I don't want to rain on anyone's sparkly parade, but collab houses and hype houses are nothing new. People working in the same field have been living together, collaborating, and making stuff for a very long time. And they've been sponsored too, just in different ways.
New collab houses/ hype houses/ content houses should take a look at everyone who came before. Learn what worked, what didn't, why some transformed society and why others totally fell apart. Loads of examples: the beginning of AI was a collab house at Dartmouth!
A crash pad above the Comedy Store basically revolutionized comedy. (Robin Williams, Sam Kinison, Jim Carey, Marc Maron, bunch of guys lived there.)

• Journalists, collab houses aren't new. They're an evolution.

• Influencers, take a look at which collab houses produced superstars and which ones were a hellscape.

• Sponsors, take a look at the ecosystem that supported past collab houses and IP issues.
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