There are shining examples of the fact that mathematics is not a “boys only” club.

One among these is Gabrielle Émilie Le Tonnelier de Breteuil, marquise du Châtelet (Dec 17, 1706 – Sep 10, 1749).

A woman of many intellectual interests, Émilie...

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...was a mathematician, author, and physicist.

A true Enlightenment woman, by the time she was twelve she read, wrote, and spoke English, Italian, Spanish, and German and was busy translating Aristotle's Politics and Aesthetics from the classical Greek,

#iteachmath #History
as well as Virgil's Aeneid from Latin.

In 1740, she published the book "Institutions de Physique", which put forth some of her knowledge regarding both science and philosophy.

In her last year of life, Émilie translated #Newton’s "Principia Mathematica"

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Émilie cultivated her interest in #science and several languages at a time when such privileges were reserved only for men.

She studied a lot, without neglecting worldly occasions, and had a rather free love life.

#iteachmath #History
Émilie du Châtelet was a skilled scientist with an international reputation, a remarkable feat for a woman in those days.

She had #Voltaire as friend & bedfellow and together they explored the new world of the Newtonian #physics.

#iteachmath #History
One of Émilie du Châtelet's aphorisms outlines her intense and modern personality:

"Judge me based on my merits or defects, the only one responsible for everything I am, I say, I do."

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