How QWorld is coping (so you don’t have to wade into the sewer yourself): (1) Biden’s inauguration was faked, possibly with a lookalike, and all the images you’re seeing of Biden in the Oval Office are actually from a movie set. You can tell because the wallpaper changed.
(2) The United States was transformed into a private corporation in 1871 (don’t ask) but then secretly dissolved & restored to a real government by Trump, so Biden has been cleverly switcharooed and is only “President” of this now-defunct corporation.
The second hallucination, as far as I can tell, is based on an inexplicable misreading of a statute “incorporating” a government for the District of Columbia as somehow transforming the entire United States into a corporation. Yeah.
This seems to have been lifted wholesale from those Sovereign Citizen people who think you don’t have to obey laws if you don’t spell your name with capital letters or something.
(3) Trump had to APPEAR to leave office so the impending military overthrow of the Biden administration would not appear partisan. Once this is done, Trump can be reinstalled in March, the original (thus “real”) inauguration date.
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