(TW: fatphobia)

This one always stings, tbh. Didn’t take care of myself? What state are you imagining I started at? Why are fat women especially always imagined as having started out life looking like Natalie Portman, then ruining it? https://twitter.com/red3blog/status/1352384400026120208
I was a chubby kid who turned into a plump teenager and then a fat adult. There was no period of time in which I looked like a yoga model. This was not for a lack of activity, it’s because my genetics are fucking different
I have never been willowy. I have never had an oversized sweatshirt drape cutely on my fragile female frame. I come from a long line of potato-shaped women and surprise surprise, I became one
Even when I lost 50 lbs in college through a LOT of exercise and diet, I was still never smaller than a size 10. And it bounced right back, plus more, the second I wasn’t in three different movement classes a semester
Ever since I stopped fighting my body all the time, my weight has leveled off. Might fluctuate by a couple of pounds in one direction or the other, but it stays about the same. I exercise. I eat normally. I “take care of myself.” I stay the same.
And even if I didn’t do those things, if my body meant I was more at risk of dying from COVID than Skinny McJudgeface there, I would still deserve to get the vaccine first. Because humans are equally valuable, period.
Update: Oh. I see. What part of "taking care of herself" is enjoying the toasty Cheez-Its I wonder
I mean yeah, I love the extra toasty Cheez-Its, but I can just imagine the stinkface I would get for eating them in public
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