When COVID hit in March we spent the lion’s share of $228 million+ stimulus money on roads. Not that the gov’t volunteered this information. This was on top of the biggest infrastructure budget in ages. And now the Liberals are going to do it all over again. #nspoli (Thread) https://twitter.com/ed_clean/status/1352617163815870464
If infrastructure is the focus, we should invest in climate jobs, retrofit apartments and homes and office buildings, finally conduct SDGA consultations and set new climate targets, and spend the millions in the green jobs fund just to start...
A reminder, in the context of this proposed spending, that we’re told that we can’t afford paid sick leave, added support for small business, smaller class sizes, ventilation, affordable housing...all of which would pay dividends down the road.
Not to mention affordable universal childcare.
There is no shortage of investments that would save money long term, put people to work (and keep them in their jobs) AND address the climate crisis.

Instead, here we go again. If you care about the ecological crisis we’re in, demand better from your government. #nspoli
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