We read English and we are taught that knowledge is Goddess Saraswati. The English gyan about India on the Internet especially history is utter rubbish, but we are indoctrinated into swallowing it as the whole truth. This is the saddest part of mental colonization
Even today I have been reading Tweets from a well educated person who has picked up racist trash and mythology from the Internet but quotes it like established wisdom. This is the result of 200 years of lies being published as academic literature in the humanities.
History has been cooked up to show the origins of civilization and technology and language to be near Europe and the rest of you slave barbarians can shove it
But we are such mental slaves that we swallow it as long as it is a European legacy source. Truly they have made donkeys of us and Aryan/Dravidian rubbish are Indian sub-donkeys. One half donkey thinks he is is aryan and the other half donkey thinks he is dravidian.
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