Okay guys I didn’t want to do this before cos I was thinking it’s unnecessary but right now I think it’s necessary because what the managements of JUST HOSTELS are doing is definitely wrong...I got a hostel (Amoke hostel) Oke Odo Ilorin on the 7th of November 2019,....
I and my roommate couldn’t move into the apartment until around early December because there were some things to be fixed in the room...Barely 4 months after we moved in,the strike + Covid-19 stuffs began and by March we all left the hostel to our various homes..
Automatically we used the remaining tenure of our rent at home...And by November 7th 2020 our rent was due for renewal of we which we planned on renewing our rent if the whole strike/COVID thing had not happened...Towards the end of November I got a message from my roommate...
that the management of Just Hostel asked we all vacate the hotel( to me it’s okay) but telling us to vacate the hostel on or before December 31st ? That’s madness..The probability of schools resuming at that time was even on the thin line and we spending most of our rent...
tenure at home was not even a joyous thing.. So I told my roommate when we resume we’d see what will happen cos telling us to vacate the hostel when everyone was still at home is crazy..how bout those who aren’t even staying anywhere near ilorin,those students who would..
spend over 20k to and fro ilorin,would they have to come pack their belongings too ? when school hasn’t even resumed yet ?.
So I resumed school last week Tuesday (the see finish at home was becoming unbearable) lols..On opening the door of our room,I felt like running back...
to Lag cos 🥺. Is it the dust in the whole room or the cobwebs?Everywhere looked so messy..but no way I could’ve slept in that room without doing the cleanings( funny enough I was the second person to have resumed in our hostel) later that day, I noticed there were some other....
people in the hostel too so I traced the voices to the room and got to know they were the management team of Just Hostels who are monitoring the renovations going on....We exchanged pleasantries and I went back to my room..Not long, someone came to knock at my door...
it was one of Just Hostel’s staffs and we exchanged pleasantries once more but this time, we ensued in a conversation and the summary of everything is, we should vacate our room to allow renovations..They want to put wardrobe,kitchen cabinets,change the windows from louvres to...
...glass windows and also repaint the room.
To me it’s actually unnecessary cos the rooms are too small for those things except the louvres cos we actually told them to help us change it before as there were some rooms with glass windows already but ours was with louvres but...
.. not my property so who am I to say NO to it( Maybe our landlord too don chop benefits money lols)So I asked the lady (staff) if we were owing any rent before and it was a NO answer so why ask us to move out In that short period of time? The notice was less than one and a...
...half months..
Where is that done??..Did it just occurred to you guys to renovate the hostel and even if it just did,why give us that short notice? Craziest thing everyone was at home when we got the notice and of course we would all be planning on renewing our rents if not...
for the whole strike/COVID thing...So I asked the lady again, “When did you plan this whole renovations and why this short notice cos it’s outrageous ?” She said they actually didn’t plan for it before that it just happened..But why not give us till when school fully resumes ..
so everyone can monitor their stuffs instead of removing all the burglaries and exposing people’s properties to theft ?? She said they already got a security to secure everyone’s stuffs but what bout people’s things you’re messing up cos of the renovations going on? She said...
that’s why they told everyone to vacate their rooms and at that point I became to annoyed..Is that how things are done ? Don’t you guys put other people into consideration? Cos a lot of people would come back to the hostel to meet their clothes,bed,kitchen utensils and other...
things so messed up..She insisted they already told everyone to move out that whatever we are facing, we caused it and that if we are going to retain the room we should pay 130k instead of the 90k subsequent rent cos it was 105k initial payment..(Fast forward to the next...
...day) She came to me the next day that I vacate my room as they’re going to remove the windows and burglaries and also remove the kitchen and bathroom doors so I had to move into my hostel mate’s room cos no way I could sleep in the room with all the renovations going on.
But the question is, What if that my hostel mate had not resumed ? Where would I have moved to??.. In this situation,I and my hostel mates are not asking for too much..The management of Just Hostels should do things accordingly.. Either they let us pay our subsequent rent to...
retain our rooms or should just give us more time to get ourselves together if they want us all to move out cos the strike and Covid has done so much to us already. @UilStudentUnion
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