Hi I have some _things_ to say about this graphic and none of them are about the end of the world. https://twitter.com/mbrenes1/status/1352321826882523150
First, I want to say this: it's weird and sad to fall in the negative space on a chart designed to designate the growing chasm between success and failure.

I don't know exactly what that makes me. A failure, or just nothing at all?
I guess this is why the AHA is totally revising how they track jobs for the coming years. Thanks AHA!
Second, what is the rhetorical value of this chart?

For faculty, I guess it makes you sad and afraid. Afraid of what will happen for your students. Sad for your profession.

For students, I imagine it creates despair. Maybe also outrage.
Third, what action does this chart invite us to take?

It gives us two choices. We can 1) reduce the number of PhDs or 2) increase the number of jobs.

Maybe we should do both of those things! But they are ancillary to sorrow, and fear, and despair. And they're not so easy to do.
It is my opinion that charts like this one lead us away from meaningful reform and transformative action.

To look at this chart is to be unable to act.
And yet there are actions we can take, right now, today, to respond to the devaluing of the humanities.

What we need is a story of the profession that leads towards collective action. I think this is what aha's new data collection is aiming to do. But we can't afford to wait.
What I hope to see next year is a chart showing unionization of historians across the country.

A chart showing reform in job descriptions and evaluation measures for faculty, in recruitment and career preparation for grad students.
A chart, a series of charts, a report that draws our attention to the transformative work already being done by historians. That helps us imagine the better future we deserve. That allows us to understand more clearly how to make it real.
And this year? Oh, this year.

Tell the historians in your life that they are extraordinary. Everyone one of them. Today.

If you supervise grad students, assume they have seen this chart and talk to them about it. Do not pretend it's old news, or it doesn't exist.
Give some support to @contingent_mag! They're telling the story of the profession and they're paying people for their labor.
If you're in the position to act, consider joining or getting more involved with a group that is working to improve life for historians.

Like your union.

Or a team like @CoyoteAndBones or http://humanitiesworks.org/  or @TheStrikeU

Or a covid-oriented project like @COVIDBLK.
As a friend reminded me last week: no one is going to make things better for us. If we want to make things better, we've got to do it ourselves.
You can follow @hralperta.
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