Why I feel disgusted with the human species.

1. Speciesism

Humans have turned sentient life into products. Here are a few who we exploit, torture and execute.
Land Animals bred for food:

It is estimated between 70-100 billion land animals are bred to be brutally slaughtered every single year


Chickens are the biggest victim in this masacre at approx 66 billion a year.


Second in line are pigs. 1.5-2 billion pigs are killed for food each year.


More than 550 million sheep are killed for food each year.
Most of these are just a few months old.


Approximately 300 + million cows are killed for food every each year.

Along side these gentle creatures are many others, ducks, turkeys, geese, goats & all the wild animals we shoot & destroy in the name of sport. Plus those we breed to cover ourselves in their skins & fur.

Yet Vegans are labelled extreme.

We must End Speciesism #Vegan
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