Rewatched Gintama: Benizakura Hen.

What a feast it was rewatching Gintama after a long time. The action and comedy individually was great but how it handles the ratio between them was even more great. Animation was amazing, Designs were epic, Music was suited and enjoyable

Gintama's haphazard approach to the story is a purposeful measure that strangely enough works very well, mainly because Gintama is a comedy series. There are story arcs that occur over the course of the show like benizakura and they include some serious or dramatic content but-
Gintama never once loses its sense of fun and that's its strongest, most iconic and personally my most loved aspect of Gintama.
"Takasugi, do you know how many times I have also wanted to reduce this world to smoldering ashes? However, that man has always endured it... Gintoki... He who has the most reason to hate this world has always endured it"

It was 2x more emotional with context 😭
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