It’s time for this question to be front and center: Should Fox News be allowed to exist? Brain-mashing as a business model shouldn’t be legal.
I’m not a lawyer, but I don’t understand why you’re not allowed to manufacture bucatini that doesn’t have a certain threshold of iron in it but you can broadcast brain-mashing falsehoods and goad people toward terrorism.

If the Fairness Doctrine, applying to broadcast, was constitutional, why would a new Fairness Doctrine, applying more broadly, be a violation of that same Constitution?
Are there huge questions of a slippery slope? Of course. Could this regulation be abused? Of course. These are the hard things we'd have to figure out. But none of that means, to me, that a business model of incitement and falsehood is absolutely protected.
And in the interim, I'd love to hear more of the bottom-up ways people suggest.

The advertiser pressure has worked. I've heard talk of cable subscribers demanding incitement-free packages.

What are the other mechanisms you see?
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