Now that our government is aware that the virus is rapidly mutating (as viruses do when left to run rampant and unchecked), and that there are mutated variants that are already suspected to render current vaccines as ineffective....
....and that this means that now the fully Pfizer vaccinated government and their loved ones are now not so safe any longer, will the Tories finally start to take this pandemic seriously and adopt a zero covid strategy at last....
....instead of allowing this country to be a petri-dish for the virus to mutate?

I mean for fuck's sake, we've only been saying so for almost a year, just as Corbyn said last Spring, we should be adopting WHO guidelines and adopting a zero covid strategy...
....just like New Zealand has, South Korea, Vietnam? All LEFT wing countries which have all had ZERO deaths this year, and we have had tens of thousands already this year.
But no no no....we are wrong and 'loony-left' and everyone else is absolutely correct whilst we have the worst death rate in the world and your loved ones end up 6 feet under.

Well done, well done. Slow clap. 👏🏽👏🏽
If only you hadn't been taken for a mug and a fool by a bunch of tax-evading billionaire media barons eh?

Next time, please engage your mental faculties when an election comes, PLEASE!
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