Ashab al-Kahf (one of the Iranian-backed Iraqi front groups) has claimed another double IED attack on what it claims is a convoy supplying U.S. forces in Iraq.
Interesting to note that Sariya Qasim al-Jabareen (another Iran-backed Iraqi front group) is announcing that the attacks occurred in Nasiriyah and in Babil. #HizballahCavalcade
As expected: Ashab al-Kahf is claiming this attack as "revenge" on the IS twin suicide bombing attack that occurred in Baghdad. Remember, in Ashab al-Kahf's/Iranian proxy thinking: The U.S. created/controls IS.
Ashab al-Kahf is also saying its attack deliberately targeted Spanish forces in Iraq. Not the first attack against Spanish forces (there was a rocket attack some months ago too).
Ashab al-Kahf: Claimed responsibility for Diwaniyah attack, this is the one where they claimed they had injured a member of the Spanish military.
For those keeping score: Nasiriyah, Diwaniyah, and Babil IED attacks today.
So the attack in Babil (as Ashab al-Kahf has clarified) was the double IED attack and it targeted the "NATO convoy" (aka Spanish forces). Always take a bit and wait for verification from the Spanish/NATO/U.S. forces if anyone was killed/injured.
Ashab al-Kahf is now issuing another threat to British, French, German, Spanish and NATO forces "this evening."

Gotta say, pretty active messaging/signaling for them today. It's almost as if the U.S. has a new president...
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