the reason kids like drugs is because it’s gatekept. It is illegal, and beyond the rituals of circumventing the law to engage with it, there are rituals within “drug culture” themselves, which retain reverence and obedience,
maybe because it is “beyond” the law – you don’t “toke the joint”, because, if you “break” the social costums while beyond the law, you might be left to the wolves. It makes it Real.
Of course this would never actually happen and worst case scenario you would merely be excluded socially, as with all other hobbies people engage with in a worship-like manner. But the appeal is this.
being "illegal" affords it a quality of authenticity, because it is outlawed by a false authority, a worldly, material authority with no transcendent quality. the state, not morality/god. so in breaking the wordly taboo, you reach for the transcendent
It is easier to FEAR that it might happen in drug world, that you might get killed, like in a cool gangster movie, than it is to fear getting killed over a disagreement in rulelawyering in warhammer. although in purely realistic terms, the latter is probably more likely
The so-called “left invading our hobbies and injecting (identity) politics into everything” is their ("leftists") (oversocialized) ATTEMPT to grant other “hobbies” this reverence, this heightened reality.
suddenly video games are less lame - you now stand to risk something (is the idea)
fuck I forgot the terminology. I meant bogart. do kids still say bogart
if they do they're lame
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