Alternately, I wrote an entire book in Google docs because it's free.

Don't feel like you need to spend money on expensive software. That's the first class barrier that doesn't need to exist.
Google docs comes with a whole load of plug-ins, by the way.

I write with several docs tabs (gotta have my notes and one for pasting things for later) and a thesaurus/dictionary tab open.

I'll have books on my desk beside my keyboard and my kindle tab open for research
You don't need to have a kindle to use the kindle browser reader. You can still buy eBooks from Amazon and read them in your browser.

All of this saves time and money if your book requires research.

Don't feel like you need to spend money to write.
I wrote my book on a refurbished old school laptop that I covered in stickers to hide all the scratches.

I can't emphasise this enough: you don't need to spend money to write. If you do have money to spend, spend it on things that free up your time for writing. That's it.
Before Covid, I wrote in libraries and cafes. Admittedly since covid I've had to spend a little bit on making a space for writing in the house.
Oh and if you prefer a touch screen to a keyboard or simply can't afford a laptop? That's fine! I wrote most of my notes on my phone. It's doable.
(Although I do also now have a little fold up Bluetooth keyboard that works with my phone which I'd bought with the intention of taking to work with me before the pandemic kicked off and I could no longer spend my lunch time writing.)
My best investment for writing was a pair of compression gloves. I don't have arthritis but I do get joint pain (like most people) after long typing sessions. You can usually get a decent pair for under a tenner on amazon and you can feel like a Victorian pickpocket.
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