Today, I turn 19 years old.

My best quality?

→ I learn the best from the best.

🧵 These 19 people have taught me 19 different things.

Time for a thread👇👇👇
Quick note:

I realize that all the superstars mentioned in this thread are not one-dimensional. No one is.

This is a compilation of how I am implementing these qualities and insights from their lives, to my life.

And I hope I help you do so too!
1/ Be courageous like @brandonthezhang

Brandon himself is quite young but he never let age keep him back.

One opportunity, to the next → Starting with @visualizevalue to building his personal brand and launching his podcast 🚀

Age is indeed just a number for him.
2/ Be generous like @jamierusso

Jamie is definitely one of the kindest souls I have encountered on Twitter.

He is a prime example of how being nice and always willing to help out (regardless of size of account), helps in the long run.

Congratulations on your book 💙
3/ Steal like @AlexLlullTW

Twitter is a game.

And I haven't seen anyone talk about it more openly than Alex.

Tips, tricks, and also the formats — he shares it all. I love it when he's open about "stealing" formats from other people. That's how everyone in the community grows.
4/ Be determined like @athrvakhrbde

Atharva was one of my first follows on Twitter. I admire how willing he is to share his story.

I’m astonished by how he has been able to convey so much determination only through tweets.

Truly inspiring, brother!
5/ Humble like @arvidkahl

Man. I've said this 100 times.

Any small-scale creator, builder, writer you see — I can bet they are followed by Arvid.

He manages to find time to support others who are creating content.

Hats off, really.
6/ Joyful like @nipunnyy

Being able to crack a joke on any occasion is a networking superpower.

If you can make someone laugh, you can make someone like you.

Not to miss the amazing community of curious minds her and @an_napurna have built.

Made amazing friends thanks to her
7/ Team spirit like @galjudo's

Being an athlete, I’m not at all surprised by the team spirit Gal possesses.

It’s contagious.

DM her — she’ll leave you twice as energized ⚡️
8/ Elevate others like @heydannymiranda

Danny (aka happiest person alive) is all about spreading positivity online and offline.

Replicating this in my Twitter circle has helped me build strong quality relationships here as well as get noticed by the man himself :)
9/ Visualize like @craigburgess

I realised the value and reach of adding visuals to your tweets from Craig.

It helps solidify thinking when you associate visuals with concepts.

Perhaps that is why the reach increases organically.

@Sathyanand1985 implements this well 💛
10/ Supportive like @pradologue

If there’s one person I’d go to get advice for community building, it’s him.

Due to his natural humble persona, he has fuelled confidence in thousands of lives .

Glad to say I’m part of it 🚀

11/ Be unpredictable like @uxblake

You don't know what goes on in Blake's mind.

When you think he's charging a subscription for CK,

He gives all his premium content out for free for everyone to access.

Always keep your audience guessing — engagement will never be an issue.
12/ Be curious like @janelSGM and @learnwithvidya

If you are genuinely curious about something,

You won't stop learning about it.

This is what I see in these wonderful human beings.

They both inspire me to create around what I'm interested in — I never get bored this way.
13/ Learn Life-long like @naval

I have two lives — one before reading Naval's pinned tweet, and one after.

My main takeaway from his conversations:

As humans, we desire constant challenge marginally outside our comfort zone.

Learning forever helps with that.
14/ Be informed like @mkhundmiri

• Master your niche (ie marketing + business)
• Learn the techniques to grow on the specific platform (profile clicks, engagement).
• Be willing to help out and take advantage of DMs

He surpasses all 3 targets. Follow the footsteps.
15/ Summarize like @jmikolay

Justin is one of the best writers who synthesizes at another level.

Lesson: You can grow on Twitter by curating as well as creating. Twitter is a platform where the quality of your thinking is rewarded.

Express something concisely — you win.
16/ Build like @jackbutcher

The most complex problems have the simplest solutions.

Jack seems to solve problems that builders may be facing by inviting them to a community ( @visualizevalue).

He has made constraints not limiting, but useful.
17/ Actualize like @whit4th

Whit has built 6 side projects in 3 months.

That shows a unique ability to devise a plan and execute effectively.


Make sure that the time between the idea and taking action is not long enough to dismiss the idea altogether.
18/ Read like @AlexAndBooks_

Heard this time and time again:

"I wish I had read more".

Alex inspires me to read more by sharing tips and techniques to get more out of your time reading.

Reading is essential for life-long learning so getting into the habit is beneficial.
19/ Get lucky like @aadtshth

It's true.

I got lucky.

Luckily, I found this platform.

Luckily, I found these incredible people.

Luckily, I write content that people relate to.

I maximised my chances of luck by creating instead of consuming.
20/ Bonus — Write online like @david_perell tells you to

Thanks David for inspiring me to write online.

It's not impossible — literally just curate, summarise then create.

I found my tribe this way and I guarantee you can too 💙
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