I never really gave other people’s music a listen or a chance.
I’ve listened to a lot over this covid/lockdown period, some are good, most are average at best.. But nothing groundbreaking, locally more especially..
A few people are good at what they do, but aren’t vastly improving.. maybe progressively maintaining the same standard & quality..
But I’m not really hearing anything that I wouldn’t particularly expect from artists, not really a lot of shock value..
It’s 2021 - the world has changed, I can’t still be hearing about your ‘bank balance’, how you think you’re better than everyone else, your dance moves, how slept on your are or ‘bitches’.. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Or at least be creative in how you use all these topics..
Way too many ‘I don’t write’ artists..
Respect the listener, craft your shit, it’s not about how quick you can make a record or how good you can copy & mimic your favourite international artists flow or sound..

Where’s your substance?
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