It doesn't matter if you're a Junior or Senior Developer, everyone uses Google to search for solutions.

What a lot of people don't know, is how to effectively search for the right answer.

Let me help you improve your Google search skills with these 16 tips!

1. NOT Logical operator:

You use this operator to exclude results if it contains the operand using "-" e.g.

javascript -frameworks
2. OR Logical operator:

This is a binary operator that returns a result if it contains both operands or one of them e.g.

(angular OR react) javascript tips
3. AND Logical operator:

This is a binary operator that returns a result containing it's operant on the left and right hand-side e.g.

html AND css

This returns a result if both terms are in the search result.
4. Exact match:

Use quotation marks to return an exact match in your search result e.g.

python tutorial "full course"
5. Wildcard:

Use the wildcard "*" placeholder to return a search result containing anything in your phrase e.g.

"the * javascript tutorial"
6. Site specifier:

This is probably the most used one. Using "site:<url>" will return searches from that specific URL e.g.

site:  S3

The S3 section of the amazon docs will be returned.
7. File specifier:

Using "file:<filetype>" returns a search result based on the file type e.g.

filetype:pdf javascript tutorial
8. Related specifier:

Using "related:<domain>" returns the root domain of similar websites e.g.

9. Map specifier:

Using "map:<location>" returns the location of your search e.g.

map:silicon valley
10. Cache specifier:

Using "cache:<domain>" returns a cached version of a website e.g.


A webpage indexed by Google will have a cached version available on Google's end.
11. Intitle specifier:

Using "intitle:<word>" returns results that contains your searched word in the title e.g.

intitle:best vscode extensions
12. inurl specifier:

This is a specifier that returns results containing its operant in the URL e.g.

python inurl:tutorial
13. define specifier:

This will display the meaning of a word in a card-like result e.g.

14. intext specifier:

Find pages containing a certain word (or words) somewhere in the content e.g.

intext:best way to learn python
15. blogurl specifier:

Find blog URLs under a specific domain e.g.

16. movie specifier:

Find information about a specific movie e.g.

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