. @MinhazMerchant :
Nehru mishandled China/Pakistan. Indira Gandhi stalled economy. MMS allowed himself to be remote-controlled. And now Modi is giving back the bureaucracy power it lost post-liberalisation yrs.
India’s bureaucrats/regulators can’t believe their luck. They issue rules that deliberately seek to obfuscate. Guidelines recently issued for cosmetic products by Ministry of Consumer Affairs run into dzs of pages. In US, guidelines for similar products are covered in 3 pages.
Democracy has clear guidelines. One, freedom of expression is precious. Don’t abuse it by inciting violence. Two, freedom to protest is a non-negotiable right - as long as it does not endanger lives of others or obstructs their livelihoods.
Those who control narrative in India distort/dissemble. .art of dissembling/distorting narrative has been finely honed since 2014. Fraudulent narrative is strengthened by Modi Govt’s inept n infrequent briefings. Nature abhors a vacuum. Disinformation revels in it.
Media is a useful handmaiden in helping Nawabs of Negativity subvert narrative. Leading dailies practise an exclusion zone. Voices are selectively quarantined. TV debates become incestuous echo chambers.
Engagement across ideological aisle is heartbeat of democracy. Issues, not ideology, s/govern opinion. Overall, stay dead centre.
Modi Govt’s policies have been a curious mix of excellent n mediocre. They need clear-eyed criticism, not doomsday prophecies.
- Minhaz Merchant
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