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As a trans gay autistic Canadian political analyst who also does PR for an anarchist author specializing in American fascism

Lately I am fixating on UK politics; they portend a horrifying future for North America

#TransRightsAreHumanRights #whitesupremacy
There is a strong thread of this in English Canada

The version of this I survived as a closeted afab autistic in the 90s is echoed here
If you follow me you know I don’t simp for America

But I have made reference to finding less ableism among my American comrades than Canadian

The pressure to conform that runs through Anglo culture (see JKR) is deadly

On Jan 21, the UK’s COVID death rate surpassed the US’s
... and the UK has the NHS

Their conservative politicians make Ontario’s conservatives look like Jack Layton’s NDP

The amount of poor-bashing UK conservative politicians get away with is unbelievable
Too often, the only level of analysis is class-based

The UK must still lead the Anglo world in BIPOC erasure

There is less than zero recognition that poverty intersects with race, disability & LGBTQ status

Even in post Brexit Britain
It’s not an accident that Canada’s PM is French Canadian

And Canada gave out CERB

If Erin O’Toole were in power, Canada would have got nothing like America and the UK
Despite what it has devolved to the last 40 years, the streak of individualism and non-conformity that underpinned independence from England is part of what I think sets America apart from Canada & UK

OTOH - what use is more acceptance of disability when no universal healthcare?
I have made a thread that breaks down what’s going on the UK with #TransRights

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