How I optimised this clients landing page for optimal conversions:

(Mainly focusing on the description)

€70k in sales.

CR increased from 1.5-4

~ A short thread.
1. You NEED to instantly hook your traffic


Use emotion-driven headlines on your product pages.

Find a bold claim & promise your customers something amazing.
2. Structure

We kept it short, swift and concise.

People are changing. They don’t want to read essays and essays.

Getting your main ideas along in a swift manner is a skill you need to learn.

Use headlines to make it more clean too.
3. Turning features into benefits:

“People don’t buy the product”

“They buy the outcome of the product”

This client was listing mediocre features, but I transformed these into irresistible benefits.

Think of the outcome of your product & the value you’re bringing.
4. The finisher

At the bottom of the product page, we included a “our promise section”

It creates that trust between you & your customers.

Handling a lot of their objections.

Phrases like “customer support” “guarantee” “Hassle-free” etc are all attractive.
5. Some small tweaks:

- Used a contrasted CTA button.
- Improved offer on announcement bar.
- Added more reviews (social proof)
- “How to contact” easily seen.
- Hired someone to improve page speed.

It’s the small changes which make the difference.

Enjoy! 🥂
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