A thread on Virat Kohli showing his mental disorder as captain and a player ( RTs Appreciated )

How can a normal person ask crowd to cheer for other player instead of cheering for him ?
Only a person with disorder can ask his fans to stop booing opposition players . Normal people just enjoy crowd racially abusing rival teams.
Only a person with disorder can ask his physio to come and help the player of opposition team .
Only a person with disorder will fight on behalf of his teammates , not a normal person .
Mentally fit players walked away but that person with disorder stopped for her
How can this clown even imagine teaching and showing path to youngsters ?
How dared he to sign caps , gave high five and take selfies with the spectators ?
Imagine being normal and meeting with an elder fan like this . Only a person with some disorder can do that .
How can a normal person can respond to abuses like this way đŸ€” Surely guy is carrying some disorder .
So this Banged 😳 Follow me if you love Virat Kohli , RCB or Indian cricket team .
You can follow @Aivy_one8.
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