A few weeks ago, I had a great conversation with other Spanish speakers. The main topic was, in which language should we create?

If you are a bilingual creator I'm sure you had the same doubt at some point.

I know I did.

Let me tell you about my choice in this thread👇🧵
Being bilingual in a global economy is an advantage.

This means you can effectively communicate with millions of people.

It also means you can effectively do business with millions of people.
What to choose?

Let's suppose you find yourself in this scenario:

You are native in one language but you are also fluent in English, and you want to start creating (video, written word, etc).

Let's weigh the pros and cons.🥊
âž•PROS of choosing native language

• It will be easier to create content

• It will be easier to share with friends and family (early adopters)

• You have a niche opportunity. Being first matters when it comes to the internet.
âž–CONS of choosing native language

• Building a community or audience will be harder. Depending on your topic of choice, you might not be able to build around that topic simply because there are not many people interested (yet).

• Your potential reach is smaller.
âž•PROS of choosing English

• Access to a global audience.

• Access to more, higher-quality customers. Some of them located in the USA, the biggest market in the world for content and digital products.

• It looks good on your CV
âž–CONS of choosing English

• Your content quality can be affected (unless you have a bilingual level, which most people don't)

• Competition. There are more fishes in the pond, but also more fishermen.

• Stigma. At least in Spanish speaking countries.
My choice: 🇬🇧


I started creating in Spanish, but soon I found out that almost everyone I looked up to was speaking in English.

If I wanted to communicate with them and eventually, be on the same level, I needed to do it in their language.

So I switched.
Creating in English has allowed me to make global connections (personal and professional).

I have had clients from the UK, from the USA, or even from the Netherlands. If I were creating in Spanish, that wouldn't be possible.
What should you do?

There's no right or wrong answer. It really depends on your long term goals.

Are you willing to risk and try to become a pioneer in your own language?

Or do you prefer to fight with the masses and try to make it in a bigger market?
Whatever you do, I would love to hear about your experience.

My DMs are always open!

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See you on the next one! Find more at https://alexllull.com/ 
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