A thread on the term “sex/gender based violence”

There appears to be a lot of people using this term, & accompanying text suggests that domestic violence (DV) is being perpetrated by men against women BECAUSE they are women

This (in the main) is not true
Whilst DV perpetrated against someone is of course horrific & unacceptable, a number of studies show that men who perpetrated violence were not motivated by the fact that the victim was female
This appears to be an attempt to magnify men as perpetrators, & state that the sex/gender of the victim is a motivating factor in the perpetration of violence against women. In the main; not true
This is a rather huge assumption, ignores the evidence that contradicts this, & also dismisses violence perpetrated against men by women, & in same-sex relationships.

See the excellent presentation below by Pr Nicola Graham-Kevan
Not all types of harm that mainly affect women occur BECAUSE they’re women, just like not all types of harm that mainly affect men occur BECAUSE they’re men
Also important to remember that there are more men on the planet trying to protect women & others from harm, & combat DV, than there are men perpetrating it. We sadly seem to minimise/ignore that
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