A thread on Liverpool. Before lockdown Liverpool had reached the absolute peak of performance, 25 points ahead of Man City. That’s 8 wins and a draw...ahead! They had also won the Champions League and looked imperious. The league came back, was wrapped up and they relaxed. (1)
Football returned after Covid, the turnaround was quick and Liverpool had to find form again after winning the league a few weeks before. Immediately Allison gets injured, Adrian has another brain freeze and Villa run riot. A chastening experience that all teams are mortal. (2)
The defining moment of Liverpool’s season however came against Everton. Two shocking challenges and they lose the world’s best centre back and their shiny new midfield general who was meant to be the missing link between a dynamic midfield and an electric front three. (3)
Losing Van Djik is enough to derail a league defence on its own. The confidence that comes with having a player of his stature behind you is incalculable. But almost immediately his protege Gomez is gone, followed by Marip. Not one first team centre half left. (4)
Confidence saps further, along with the energy they played with for the previous two years and here’s why. Fabinho is playing out of his skin plugging a dike at centre back and the front 3 are missing his quick ball from midfield. His cover? Keita. Guess what? Injured. (5)
Henderson is moved back after two novices struggle and now Liverpool are starting games with Shaqiri, Oxlade, Milner in midfield rather than Thiago, Fabinho, Henderson. The front three hit a dip en masse. (6)
There’s no energy from midfield and again, confidence is lost. Jota starts banging them in and...gets injured! The consistency Liverpool had in previous seasons has been obliterated. They can’t start the same 11 in the league. There is patchwork all over the park. (7)
Add Arnold getting injured and hitting the worst dip in form and you see where Liverpool are. It’s easy bombing down the wing knowing two speedsters like VVD and Gomez are behind you to cover. But here’s the key, the gloating over Liverpool’s apparent demise may be premature. (8)
Because when everyone is fit and healthy, and Klopp has a full compliment, they will be a force to be reckoned with once more. I have no doubt. This is a blip. Circumstance has robbed them of a chance to kick on. They will be back. (9)
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