highly anecdotal but maybe interesting for anybody wanting to "jump" to a college gig in South Korea:

when I came here ten years ago I got hired on resume and interview w/ my current boss.

right now, boss is asking candidates to put together presentations next week...
2) for an audience that will include college president (!!!).

so , if you're discouraged, don't be.

things are much more competitive than they used to be due to population crash, COVID
3) also interesting to see that "any ol MA subject will do" is no longer the case, usually.

lots of colleges / universities wanting more specific subject background (TESOL always being a top choice, but that's an MA in TESOL, not a certificate).
4) these are good things, mostly. but as went enter a third consecutive semester of online teaching I wouldn't consider any uni / college gig "safe" any longer, either for the taking or the keeping.
5) another thing -- smaller schools like mine are being "cherry picked" by larger, more prestigious schools for student enrollment.

so bigger schools maintain tuition numbers, but at cost (literal and figurative) of smaller ones.

consequences are pretty obvious.
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