One thing we never talk about with Cancel Culture is how Cynical it is.

Most of the time, people don't actually care what someone did, They just want to *use* cancel culture to take out a rival or get back at someone they don't like.

So, cancel culture as revenge

A Thread🧵
Cancel Culture started when people realized they get social media mobs to shame people for doing things they didn't like.

Now, people see they can get someone cancelled and are using it as a tool to destroy people either because they don't like them or they want revenge...
So people are using cancel culture as a weapon, and this is particularly true among young people.

Jimmy Galligan saw a 15 year old girl use a racial slur when she was 15, held the video for *4 YEARS* and then released it after she graduated to get her kicked out of college...
He got a video knew what it could do, held on to it for 4 years, and then released it order to do as much damage as he could. This is clearly a case revenge. This wasn't motivated by trying to make the world a better place. He was throwing her to the wolves for vengeance.
Here, Conz Preti cynically uses cancel culture to attack Cara Dumaplin (AKA Taking Cara Babies on IG).

Conz pretends it's because Cara donated to Trump, the real reason is Conz is content director @motherlymedia and wants to take out a business rival

What Conz did there, and Jamie Grayson does here, is trying to kneecap a more successful rival (Conz has 40K followers on IG, Jamie has 111K, but Cara has 1.3 million), and they're using cancel culture to do it. You can tell it's a career move by how hard Jamie leans into it.
We will see more and more of this as the power of cancel culture strengthens.

That said, this should look familiar to you. Want to know why....?

It's oppo, AKA, Opposition research.

In politics when people dig up dirt to smear opponents it's called opposition research...
What we are seeing is people doing oppo on each other so they can get dirt to smear the other person. Only now, it's not trying to win a senate seat, it's trying to get regular people fired.

You know who conducts the most oppo on regular people...?

The media
As Jamie Grayson pointed out, the website Jezebel took the initiative to publish all about Taking Cara Babies Trump Donations
CNN can doxx a guy for making a meme about CNN and holding it over him, teenagers are holding on to videos for years at a time and releasing them to get revenge, and business people are trying to take down their rivals.....

all of them are using cancel culture as a weapon.
none of this is about making a better culture or being more moral.

This is about clout, revenge, and pettiness.

It's time to stop. We need to make strong norms against cancel culture and we need to do it quickly, or we'll end up as a culture of distrusful snitches.

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