[Serious] Our goal for this NHL season is for people who aren't on twitter to not misinterpret us when we talk about our models. Kind of. It gets annoying
Fuck it, I'm going to do a little late night pet peeve thing...

Why do "analytics" people always have to qualify their data-based opinions with "these models don't account for everything so take it with a grain of salt" or whatever?
Nobody else has to do that. No traditional NHL journalist has to say "Well, I can't watch every single game and defensive play is really hard to evaluate by the eye I think, so maybe take my opinion with a grain of salt" ??
It's absurd that the majority of radio hosts and TV people and journalists and big podcasters etc. get a free pass on this kind of scrutiny, but anyone who uses data and models and, you know, numbers to justify their opinions has to, at all times, indicate "it's not everything".
We don’t say “the models aren’t everything” because, to be frank, they’re a hell of a lot better than anything else. Or rather, nothing is everything. We feel data is better than anything else. That’s why we don’t speak post-caveat.
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