Thank you @Bharath1Chaitu for sharing this video. I can see that Fittuber is a very popular fitness expert on YouTube and has a lot of followers. I personally dont follow him, but I just saw he has put many videos in the name of #Ayurveda. Thread... (1/n)
One such video is

Ultimate Ayurvedic techniques to improve memory and concentration.
In this video he gives 4 steps (rather 4 medicines) in it to improve memory
1. Usage of Brahma rasayana in the morning. (2/n)
He says rasayana is something which has no side effects and anyone can take it.
Rasayana has its indications and contra-indications and it should be taken with caution especially people with health issues like DIABETES, Dyslipidaemia etc (3/n)
2.Saraswatharishta - Again it's a medicine with various indications and contra-indications and shouldn't be taken without doctor's advice.
3. Brahmi Ghritam- Firstly ghrita preperations are highly potent medicines ( 4/n)
and secondly just because something has brahmi in it, it doesn't actually mean its meant only for memory.Brahmi Ghritam its used for management of variety of issues like apasmaara, unmaada etc., which again are not to be taken without doctor's guidance. (5/n)
4. Jyotishmati nasyam at night. Firstly, nasyam is not to be done at night. Secondly, jyotishmati is again a very potent her. It is ati-ushna and teekshna and excessive usage can be very harmful. (6/n)
In his video he has given other techniques which could be helpful in enhancing concentration and memory.
He assures that people will improve within 10 days if they follow his routine exactly. Not even ayurveda doctors give such assurity. (7/n)
It's a sincere request to people making such videos and people following such advices, ayurveda medicines do have side effects if it is used without proper consultation.(8/n)
Professionally Fittuber is not an Ayurveda doctor, he has done his graduation in engineering. So he dispensing ayurveda medicines is plain wrong. Talking about diet for different disorders is a another thing. But medicines are not equal to diet. (9/n)
You cannot consume medicines like a diet and expect diseases to cure themselves, thinking Ayurvedic is "natural", has no side effects. Ayurveda is a medical science, just like Allopathy. (10/n)
And any Tom, Dick and Harry dispensing ayurveda medicines is exactly the reason why people consider ayurveda as hokum and pseudoscience.

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