There are many problems in the world today.  The main problem of which is cultural slavery.  Let's talk about it.  You might not even know about it.
Let's take the first example of Egypt.  Egypt previously had its own ancient culture and civilization.  Later those people are made Jewish.  Then those people who become Jews are made Christians.  Then those Christian-made people are converted to Muslims.
And today Egyptians have forgotten their ancient culture and civilization.  And living in cultural slavery.
Take another example of Spain.  First Spain had its own ancient culture and civilization.  But they are later converted to Christianity.  After this, Muslim invaders make them Muslims.  And later Christian people then convert them to Christians.
And today the people of Spain have forgotten their ancient culture and civilization.  And living in cultural slavery.
Take the third example of Palestine.  First Palestine had an ancient civilization and culture.  Later Judaism originated in Palestine and people were made Jewish.  Later Christianity originated and people were Christianized.  Christians and Jews were later converted to Muslims.
And today the people of Palestine have forgotten their ancient civilization and culture and are living in cultural slavery.
Let's take the fourth example of India.  India previously had an ancient civilization and culture which is now known as Hindu civilization.  Later Muslim invaders forcibly converted the people of India and all this continued for 1000 years.
And today the Muslim people of India, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Bangladesh have forgotten their ancient culture and civilization and are living in cultural slavery.
The Muslim invaders who made the people of India Muslim.  His ancestors were also forcibly converted to Muslim.  For example, the Mughals, Persians and Turks also had an ancient civilization and culture.  Which was abolished by the Muslims.  And they were also cultural slaves.
The fifth example takes East Asia and South East Asia.  Earlier these people also had an ancient civilization and culture of their own.  Such as Shinto in Japan and China folk religion in China.  And later Buddhists destroyed the ancient civilization and culture of these people.
And today the people of East Asia and South East Asia have also forgotten their ancient civilization and culture and are living in cultural slavery.  The people there should re-establish the culture and civilization of their ancestors.
Similarly, people of the whole world were cut off from their ancient culture and civilization.And another civilization and culture was imposed on them and today people from all over the world are living in cultural slavery.And have forgotten their ancient culture and civilization
People of the world should adopt the religion and culture of their ancestors.  And be free from cultural slavery.  With this, they will connect directly with their ancestors and understand their true history and culture.
All ancient religions and culture respected the religion and culture of others.  Like Alexander won the world but did not destroy the culture of any country.  The Parsis and Greeks fought among themselves but respected each other's culture and civilization.
Similarly Genghis Khan won the world but did not harm the culture of any country.  Because they did not suffer from cultural slavery.  Cultural slavery destroyed the ancient cultures of Europe, Africa, Asia, Oceania, America and Latin America etc.
Cultural slavery kills people's thinking.  For this reason, a dark age occurred in Europe from 300 AD to 1200 AD.  But the Renaissance reduced cultural slavery to some extent and people began to think again of the modern way.
Now let's talk about the second problem.  In ancient times the world was ethnically organized.  All castes lived in their respective regions.  But the world has become disorganized ethnically because of imperialism.
Let's take some examples.

Caucasian species are found in Europe.  So only Caucasian people should live there.  And only Mongolian species are found in Japan, Korea, China, Mongolia, ASEAN.  Therefore only Mongol people should live there.
Sahara desert separates Negro species and Arabian species.  And only Negro species are found in Sub Saharan Africa.  Therefore only Negro people should live there.  And Arab species are found in the Middle East and North Africa, so only Arab people should live there.
Siberia, and Oceania were discovered by Europeans and they settled there.
Caucasian species are also found in Oceania and Siberia, so only Caucasian people should live there.
Similarly, only two castes should remain in North America continent and South America continent.  The first is the Red Indian species and the second Caucasian species.  And both castes should be protected.
And in India all castes can settle because all castes are found here.(India means the whole of South Asia)
In this way we can make the world better and all kinds of religious and ethnic problems will be eradicated. Such as terrorism, racism etc.
Support me and tell the world about cultural slavery. Like a worldwide trend against cultural slavery. Until cultural slavery is over. Do all this for your ancestors, not for me. I am doing this for your ancestors, caste, and culture. Not for yourself
All people had their own culture,their ancestors and their own civilization which has been destroyed due to cultural slavery.Therefore,all people should adopt the ancient culture and civilization of their ancestors and respect their ancestors. Because you're just because of them.
And I request all of you not to comment on the tweets of my thread. I am writing my thread for the third time. Say whatever you want to say in DM.
Thank you।
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