wanted to bring up the issue of domestication of wild or semi-wild cats in Indonesia, HOW IS THIS PRACTICE LEGAL
p.s. komennya ngakak banget
its so confusing to me that instead of putting efforts in preserving and conserving Indonesian native wildlife, people find loop holes in the government and instead IMPORT cats to put into cages at home. Imagine being a pet groomer and having to deal with a ‘wild’ cat to groom
Terus ntar kalo udh bosen mau diapain? Dibuang ke jalanan? apa mau di kasih ke kebun binatang? Regardless both options is terrible for the cat and the environment. Domestication is not easy and takes generations of breeding and gene manipulation to even alter a cat’s behavior
Their predatory instinct overrides any human bond they may have apalagi when you start as old as 3-4 months!! I dont think the society fully understand the consequences and responsibilities that comes with owning a wild animal and wild animals dont belong caged in human homes
Regardless on the legality of the species, its pedigree, the nature of its species and its size, there is no valid reason to own big cats whatsoever. Mending kl bener bener pecinta kucing liar you can contribute to its conservation aja!!
Pecinta binatang liar sejati should understand that putting animals in cages and not providing them the space they need is animal cruelty, regardless if you say you feed them or they are well groomed. There is so many endangered Indonesian species out there that needs the funds
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