One problem with liberals is that, when they’re young, they all go travel and stay in backpackers and meet other liberals from other countries.
This gives them the John Lennon impression that people from all cultures are fundamentally the same people with a few small differences, not realizing that the people who tend to travel and stay in backpackers are quite similar by nature, i.e., liberal.
This false travel (not mixing with the actual locals of the country they travel to and only mixing with other liberals) makes them believe that diversity is only skin deep, and that if we strip away some of the simple mannerism differences, we’re all actually very much alike.
But take them to some Boer who hasn’t left Vrede, nevermind the Free State, and they’ll realize that these differences are actually large. I’d take a bet that Boer isn’t going to like the liberal and the liberal won’t like the Boer. It’s true for most ‘locals’ across the globe.
This false sense of “traveling” gives them a false idea of diversity, a superficial definition of diversity. True diversity lies in much larger schisms than mere manners and go into the depth of human beings like culture, nature, nurture, risk taking,liberalism, conservatism etc.
It also gives a false sense of tolerance and a high impression of their own virtue. “We can tolerate any skin color.” Yeah that’s easy because those other skin colors tend to think exactly like you do. There’s no real tolerance. Tolerance should be hard.
Liberals, from personal experience, have been the most intolerant people I’ve ever had to do with.
True diversity, differences between human beings that are so large that we can’t actually stand to live with each other, is beautiful and should be protected. Not the false idea of diversity-that’s-not-really-diversity-because-we’re-all-actually-the-same.
That’s why I tolerate liberals even though they’re such arrogant morons. For diversity’s sake.
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