And the South is both - nice (to everyone) & kind (only to those in your perceived community. Southern "politeness/niceness" is really restraint & face-saving as it is (traditionally) a class & honor-based culture.
Many people don't get this & criticize southerners for being fake or passive aggressive. While there is some truth to this, it is more a matter of avoiding violent conflict that can come from breaching someone's honour. There is a lot of "pretending not to see"
Southerner hate to be disgraced or publicly shamed so they do a lot to avoid that & to guard others honor also. Part of why the CRM worked is because it made the South look (exposed) shameful. (It didn't work in the north becux y'all are shameless 😆)
The South has always been a violent society (like Japan & England). Politeness is a means of avoiding violence by protecting others honor (also like Japan & England for that matter).
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