A few ppl have asked me to do a comparison thread on #Cardano #ADA with #Holochain.

So apart from it being a #smartcontract platform & yet another proof of stake #Cryptocurrency I don't see it as anything special, maybe in the #Blockchain world it is🦕

It seems that
their biggest selling point is how much research went into the ouroboros POS blockchain.
"First to be academically researched & peer reviewed"

Same is said about Shelley & the next release is Goguin that will allow s-contracts & #dApps & this mainnet launch will introduce
2 new languages Plutus for & Marlowe, then some time in the future there will be 2 more releases each which will be a new "Era".

Its starting to sound like a min-series or novel that has many sequels wtf?

Maybe it is a clever way of keeping the 💰in #ADA because there is always
a new part "coming soon"?
When I listen to the founder speak he talks of 5 & 10 year plans & having 100 customers for every #BTC or #ETH "customer" because he seems to be on a mission to colonize Africa with #Blockchain.

But hey if it helps the ppl out there, more power to
When talking about comparisons/competition with #Ethereum he is very quick to use analogies of past tech vs current like blackberry, Nokia,etc implying that Eth can be unseated with new technology.

Which is true, but at the same time #Blockchain itself even the newest
versions all have the same problems, some mitigate them better than others like consensus or scaling, cross chain abilities etc.

Something all #Blockchain's fail to grasp or acknowledge is that staking & volatility is not normal in everyday society.
There is an assumption that
in the future ppl will want to risk their funds on volatile currencies just so they can host an application or use a utility.

It hasn't happened in 11 years of #Blockchain & never will.
The founder is quick to talk about the weaknesses of other projects but I am yet to see him
explain how the world or Africa will become blockchain-ized because of Cardano.
The founder is definitely eccentric & seems to enjoy digital confrontations. 😃

But going back to tech, in particular #DApps first its best to look at the current type & number of dApps there are &
their users. According to http://dappradar.com  & this is not solely related to #Cardano but all blockchain, the only people using #dApps are either dex's or niche tokenized games.

So let me start the proper comparison with #Holochain on that note.
#Holochain has unlimited scaling, no staking or locking up of funds, the #dApps that run on it for the most part will not be #Cryptocurrency related because it is purpose built for running applications at a global scale.

Cardano or any other #Blockchain does not even come close
to being able to handle hundreds of thousands of concurrent users that #Holochain is designed to do.
It has a unique consensus using peer validation, gossip & cryptographic signatures.

Each #dApp is its own chain or DHT & validation is by selecting random peers.

It doesn't
require any user of the #DApp to have any knowledge or awareness of any cryptocurrency, unless it is of course related to that.
#Cardano like other #blockchain is likely to be just like the #Eth ecosystem where its primary applications involve ppl who are already within the
sphere originally.
#Cardano uses multi-ledger, side chains, and parallel transaction processing through multi-party state channels & claims it is
"blockchain platform unparalleled in its capability & performance, & which is truly able to support global applications, systems, &
and real-life business use cases."

I have no doubts that #Cardano is a superior #Blockchain compared to many others out there.

It has been several years now & every new iteration of blockchain promises to be the one, but just like the rest, this one will remain confined to
the cryptosphere it was born into, it has no revenue, nothing is asset backed & it is just another one of those full of promises real world adoption dreaming projects.

To be fair you can also say #Holochain is adoption dreaming too because it isn't live yet, but the big
difference is non crypto is building on it now.

#Holochain through Holo hosting only requires the purchase by the publisher of Holofuel for hosting, that is it. There is no staking or lockups the host pays for a service which is protected against volatility.
Looking at the website Cardano "Enterprise" says it can help in areas such as Education, Retail, Agriculture, Government, Finance & Healthcare.

Now correct me if I am wrong but are those industries the very same you have read on over 30 or 40 whitepapers or seen on #Blockchain

They all say it, they all promise it, they all claim to solve it, but guess what?

No one actually uses it at scale.

Maybe there's a few small areas where friends or family connections help out.

That is the problem #Blockchain has & will always have.
#Ripple has spent Billions trying to buy adoption & failed, spending years in or sending teams to Africa is going to produce the same results.

People need to face facts & stop believing in alternate realities when it comes to #blockchain adoption.

If Cardano is a 5 to 10 year
project, what happens in 2 to 3 years when the newest iteration of #Blockchain comes out?

Following blockchain is like playing leapfrog, each new one jumps in front of the other to gain market share with new promises, new ways of managing consensus etc, then the cycle starts
again, right now its Polkadot & Cardano, maybe Eth2 will leapfrog, then a new one, then another then another, but still they will be all trying to do the same thing, seek adoption that isn't coming because of the inherent restraints I outlined earlier. 🙃
So with that said I will end my comparison, most of them I do are usually on some #blockchain based cloud re-seller spending hundreds of thousands with #AWS claiming to be a "decentralized Cloud".

This one was unique in that it doesn't claim that.
My evaluation is that #Cardano is just another #blockchain that does the same thing most of the others do, maybe in some better ways but meh.

Thanks for reading.

Go easy on the abuse, I have feelings. 😉
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