10 Lessons from a billionaire.
1. When you stop looking for the approval of others, you can continue to move forward in the things you believe in
2. Success is not about how much money you have in the bank.
3. The definition of failure is simply giving up.
4. Building an amazing team together is the first step.
5. Most entrepreneurs die of ingestion rather than starvation.
6. It’s easier to solve a big problem than it is to solve a small problem.
7. People who spend too much time thinking about the past or thinking about the future, meaning people who have a lot of hindsight or a lot of foresight, tend to miss on eyesight, which is what’s right in front of them.
8. Every problem that you see is simply an opportunity for an entrepreneur to find a great business around it.
9. If you want to make something 10 times better or 100 times better you have to challenge the foundation of what people have taken for granted.
10. What drives humanity forward is intellectual curiosity.
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