Are we watching a movie?
Where are all the executive orders Biden supposedly signed?
Is it normal for the "elected" President to take a private plane to his "inauguration"?
I always liked Rudy Giuliani
Wait, what?
Plea deal ?? WTH ??
Man, that is one crazy "White House"
Is this also a CASTLE_ROCK set?
Let's correct an error. Some people have seen vehicles outside the window behind Biden and think that is not normal. It actually is. There is a driveway outside the Oval Office as can be seen in this Google Map and in the attached video.
Driveway video =
In the TV series "West Wing", a complete changeover of decor is done in a rapid fashion, having been planned down to the minute, but excluded a new wall papering job. So how was it accomplished for Biden? Anyone know?
An interesting thread regarding the CASTLE_ROCK stage.
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