He basically asked @PressSec why Biden hasn’t unified the country yet, suggesting that he should have left Trump’s policies in place and put Republicans in his cabinet.

This framing is such nonsense. https://twitter.com/shearm/status/1352367071783497729
“Hey! He undid Trump’s executive orders, many of which were EOs that undid Obama EOs, really just putting us back where we were before Trump did that... I thought you wanted unity!” basically.
Seriously, watch this insane exchange
I get that NYT is looking for its next “her emails” story, but this is pathetic.
Let’s talk unity.

What Republicans and media (often just one in the same) think it is: capitulation to whatever the losers want

What it actually is: An offer for them to get on board and try to work with him in good faith
He’s offering them input on his agenda. That is what he is offering: an opportunity to work together if they choose to, which is really more than he owes them after the shit they pulled trying to overturn the election.
The message of the Trump era was basically “STFU, losers. We’re going to try to ram our agenda through without even considering how it would affect the other side.” Biden offered them a hand. He didn’t say he wanted to tack (even more) to the center.
To fall for this framing is exactly like people who fall for someone saying “Not tolerating intolerance makes YOU intolerant” as though it’s a good faith criticism.
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