Lawmakers — senators and representatives — are in the House for @GovCox’s first State of the State address. Some are listening virtually #utpol #utleg
It’s just us — the media — in the gallery. Empty seats that have been filled in past years. #utpol #utleg
Fist bumps to legislative leaders from @GovCox and @AbbyPalmerCox as he gets ready for his speech #utpol #utleg
@GovCox starts with talking about the construction of the Salt Lake Temple, and how it took four days to haul each stone to the site

"And then the unthinkable," he says. "After 10 years of painstaking labor, workers noticed that the foundation stones were cracking" #utpol #utleg
"I can’t even begin to imagine how devastated those settlers felt. I’m sure they
desperately wanted to just move forward," Cox said.

But with "grit" and "determination" they started over #utpol #utleg
"Tonight, we find ourselves in a similar period of building and rebuilding," Cox said. "We meet
in an extraordinary place in extraordinary times. So much has changed because of
this pandemic" #utpol #utleg
He said his speech was shorted to roughly 15 minutes to avoid spread of COVID-19, even though lawmakers in the House chamber have been tested. #utpol #utleg
"But of course, these modifications pale in comparison to the incredible changes and innovations and sacrifices made by the people of Utah over the past year," he said, noting that over 1,500 Utahns are now dead because of "this insidious disease" #utpol #utleg
He credits teachers for their resilience, says they "deserve a raise" #utpol #utleg
Cox said he could talk about "all the good things" happening in Utah like economic standing

"But I don't believe the people of Utah elected us to pat ourselves on the back," he says #utpol #utleg
"This pandemic has shown us that, after celebrating 125 years of statehood, there may be some cracks in our foundation that need attention" #utpol #utleg
Cox again calls for education funding equity, calling it is the "key" to addressing poverty, criminal justice issues, and "unlocking the American dream" #utpol #utleg
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