The amount of liberals I am seeing commenting law and order talk already is ridiculous. "why are they protesting still" is a message I've received many times in the past 24 hours.

Biden does not solve America's problems and he will not end fascism, racism, or white supremacy
Protests like ICE Last night is like many we've seen. It's mostly people who are their to voice their concerns, frustration, anger, and disdain at a plethora of things. There are some who are so angry they graffiti (crazy right). Then cops do what they do and tear gas people.
This gets people more angry, then they might break a window, throw a water bottle at the officers. It's often an attempt to heard and seen. No one's listening to them, no one's doing anything, nothing is changing and no one will listen to them.
A group of people showed up to try to ask for change. They got beat and tear gassed. If your city will beat you, blanket your streets with chemical weapons, and then gaslight you pretending that they actually make change when they don't. What do you expect? Them not to fight back
Their politicians, city, mayor, presidents, police officers all lie to them, beat them, attack them.

Yet I've never seen a protestor act as violent or deranged as every single officer.

If you're focusing on vandalism after that, you're looking at it from an unproductive angle.
Property damage, graffiti, breaking a window is not violence.

Displacing homeless ppl in the dead of winter is violent.

Tear gassing children is violent.

If you want change, focus on the politicians that block meaningful change, not the people who are angry enough to graffiti.
The point of this is not to bash anyone or put any liberals down. Diversity of tactics is important. And protests, events, community engagement that's not these protests has immense value. It's merely my thoughts on the shift of viewpoints from SOME liberals over biden.
I truly believe that looking at the reasons behind the anger, the property damage, the graffiti would be more beneficial than being annoyed at the anger.

Whether you support the broken windows or not.
I understand questions, frustrations, and grievances with tactics. It's just frustrating as someone who spend 5 months explaining to centrists and moderate right why people graffiti the federal courthouse from trump's goons why people are still angry.
Another short, and accurate take on this.
Another good thread
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