Retweeting this because this keeps happening and it feels like nothing gets done.

At this point, it seems like trainees are just disposable.

9.4% of MS4 and residents have had suicidal thoughts in the past two weeks.


A 🧵
Schools and training programs need to be held accountable, but it is important to remember that this doesn’t just happen at historically “malignant” programs.
Trainees have loads of debt, work inhumane hours, & see unimaginable suffering.

This mixed with self doubt, the competitive nature of applications, & the stigma on seeking help lead to a huge hit in mental health.

Excellent flowsheet outlining these factors by @dyrbye below⤵️
Solutions to these problems are usually a focus on “RESILIENCE” which is a problem in itself outlined by @ColinWestMDPhD’s quote below.

We need to be focusing on improving the school and work environment.
Somehow institutions have decided that forced burnout or fatigue mitigation modules are helpful for trainees which provide ZERO benefit in reality.

H/t to @shirlywhirlmd for illustrating this beautifully ⤵️
This matters. This needs to matter.

For every life that is lost to suicide, there are countless more suffering.

We need to care about mental health in medical training.
You can follow @ShrutiPatelMD.
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