RIGHT HERE - RIGHT NOW - proper ventilation in schools ordered by the President of the United States...there is only one reason to have proper ventilation - #COVIDisAirborne deal with it! America is back - finally!!!
1/n Because my 11 and 14-year-old lab assistants demand high fees I was only able to demonstrate indoor and outdoor particle dispersion theory with a low coast unsophisticated apparatus...stay with me on this...this is engineering research at its finest...
Here's our world-class indoor laboratory fabricated with salvaged cardboard and free dust and sunlight...no kids were exposed to hazards in this study....
3/n ....so like all the other educated people I read the studies and take in the information then imagine myself as a small boy watching pollen float around outside and the dust floating in the sunlight inside....
and ask myself...is it so difficult to imagine the particle physics when there are examples all around us?
5/n these back yard basement setups are sufficient enough to tell us how particles behave, we can describe the flow with formula if we want...we can use sophisticated imaging...we can set up laboratory experiments that cost tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars...
6/n but at the end of the day our childhood intuition should tell us that if I'm infected and I exhale into your inhale through a media we call air...that's all we need to understand....
7/n ...that there is no definitive safe distance, that proper masks should be worn properly when in the presence of unknown risks, that personal and building hygiene matter but they are not surrogates for air hygiene which comes from ventilation and filtration.
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