There is a lot of discussions nationally and locally about the tactics and strategy of Portland protesters. As someone who has led protests in the streets of Portland and also attended many in this current movement, I have some thoughts I want to share. (thread)
1. Vandalism and violence are different things. This should go without saying but the vast majority of Portlanders and protesters, including myself, do not engage in any political violence or vandalism even at the events that end in destruction.
2. Many of these events are escalated drastically by police and entire crowds are punished for the actions of individuals. We do not police any other crimes in this way. Also, vandalism and violence are already illegal and carry penalties.
3. For the individuals that are engaging in destruction or vandalism, people are making an argument that it is not strategic because it does not help grow the movement or gain sympathizers. This assumes that was the goal of the action which is not true.
The goals are often revenge, expression of frustration, and honestly, people really want and need friends right now and bonding over this is attractive to some. Everyone wants a "good" excuse for human contact. Shit, I am excited to go to the grocery store next week.
So why do it? Why are they doing this? We have to put ourselves in the shoes of an 18-year-old who only has memories of 2 presidents. Imagine being told all of your life that the world is going to end in 10-12 years. If this is armageddon, why are we surprised they act like it?
They have seen the establishment of both parties not act with urgency and then go to school to be told they are doomed. So imagine telling that kid, to sign up to testify, or just vote, or join an organization. They don't believe we have time. And we might not!
So now that we arrive here, some will still say "well how is it helping" and I think that stumps even them. But what else are they supposed to do if nothing isn't an option. What do you know that no one else does? How do we fix the problem with urgency?
It's like if someone is coming at you with a gun and you throw a pillow at them cuz it's all you have within reach. Did that help? No. In fact, it might even make it more likely they shoot you. But it was a natural reaction to feeling desperate, helpless, and in peril.
So what is the solution? Addressing the issues that are killing us all with the urgency they deserve! Right now, for youth, it feels like the Titanic is sinking and our politicians are the band still playing like everything is fine. Don't be shocked when they smash your violin.
TLDR: When the world is ending, some people are gonna act like it.
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