Well, I can't let this article by Barbara Kay go unnoticed, although I suspect many people who engaged in the pile on will not care to apologize or correct their behavior. It is a prime example of how Intersectional Feminism adopted by pop culture destroys relationships. https://twitter.com/BarbaraRKay/status/1352372288843354112
Firstly, it is gross for grown women to behave this way in public. You don't see men behaving in petty ways like this very often, suggesting there is a certain mean girls culture that still exists among women and it's a bad look.
Secondly, the condemnations are very much scripted. If you apologize, it's not enough. If you dare mention your own emotions or thoughts, you are centering yourself and you are playing a victim. If you don't respond at all, it is callous privilege.
The two worst encounters I have had in this area both resulted in me apologizing just to get the hell out of there. I would not do that again because I've learned I don't have anything to apologize for.
What these women do is revert to honor culture as opposed to dignity culture. Honor culture covers such things as gang wars, prison yard disputes, turf wars, etc. It is barbaric.
Bradley Campbell @CampbellSocProf & Jason Manning's The Rise of Victimhood Culture does a great job of explaining this.

Yuck. The end?
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