How the Moon represents your Mother, and how its Aspects change your views on her

The Sun and Moon both reperesent the Paternal parent and Maternal parent respectively. Yes, traditionally it is literal. In which Sun is Dad, Moon is Mom. Not so much anymore

But, we'll talk about it in literal terms for more practicality ...
When the luminaries are aspected, the planets aspecting would alter the views of the child towards the respective parent. It depends on the type of aspect, but any aspect modifies, and the strength depends on the degree distance
I will discuss how the planets alter the views of the Luminaries, regardless of the aspect type

I will not, however, include a Sun and Moon aspect as that requires a whole new thread for itself

A person with contacts between the Moon and Mercury typically has a logical mother. A mom who is willing to talk, listen and discuss with their child. Contacts like this makes the child feel more nurtured and loved from the logical point of view.
Harsher Mercury Moon contacts, however, are often a case of the child being criticized by their respective parents, and since this is the Moon, the child feels okay with the criticism, despite laboring deep emotions of overthinking their decisions

A person with Moon and Venus contacts often have a good, fair, harmonic relationship with their parent. They see and help indulge each other, make sure that with comfort also comes pleasure. These are loving and balanced relationship if it's a Trine/Sextile/Conj.
These types of contacts also relate to the kind of child who wants their mother's cooking the most! With the tense contacts, the connection is usually overindulgent, spoiling, and not challenging the child enough, making him lazy, driven, and detached from action

A person with contact between Moon and Mars has fire into their child-parent relationship. This is the child that is comfortable in fighting their parents. They say stupid things they don't mean, mind you, between each other, and the child should develop a thick skin
With good contacts, the parent usually knows the right amount of tension to place at the child so they can improve

Harsh Mars and Moon contacts however, often translate to relationships that feel comfortable when there's a conflict, not liking peace, finding comfort in chaos

Contact between two of these benefics (the Moon is a Vedic Benefic) offer up a fresh and strong bond that knows no limits. Their love is caring, unconditional, and they learn a lot from each other. This is a case of the Mom who is unafraid and soulful in their love
When the aspect is positive, they talk, have good energies between each other. The mother guides the child

When it is harsh, there is some confusion between the two, as they just want to be free from one another, and having no boundaries can quadruple the child's clinginess..

Deadly combo. Really, really deadly combo. Saturn is a highly paternalistic planet, as it teaches, and can be cold and harsh, unloving. Unlike the Maternal Moon.

Moon Saturn asserts professionalism in a supposed unconditional loving relationship.
When the aspects are positive, the child sees a mom who can guide and urge the child to grow, to achieve something. The mother is a wise person, guiding the child willingly, capable of teaching and loving at the same time. With a Trine, there may be an unconscious fear of the mom
When the contact is harsh, or is in an immature conjunction, the child has fears, unable to perceive the mother as loving, and sees her as a distant person. The mother is seen as controlling, and the child feels okay with the control. Helicopter parenting is wished for themselves

Whereas the Moon's role is to provide stability, Uranus shakes things up by providing the exact opposite of that. Offering freedom, and weirdness for a child's view on their Mom... a genuine honest eccentric, is how the child sees their mother
Easier contacts make the child see their mothers as a genuine, unique, honest person, who does not like conforming, and leads him/her to not conform either, creating a brave child.

The maternal parent becomes the wanderer, detached from the child.
Harsher contacts, however, can be tricky as the child cannot mimic and see how the mother loves them. In some cases, the harshest of Moon Uranus contacts can make a child feel straight out abandoned by their mother, who is off pursuing a life that the child is oblivious of

Moon and Generational Moon, as I'd like to call it. They affect each other uniquely, offering an illusion of heroism. Contacts make the child feel like they have to save their mother, or be saved.
The easier contacts allow for intuition in the parenting process. A relaxed process that both of them can exchange ideas in an intuitive way, living in their own beautiful realm.
Harsher contacts make the child see their mother as a victim, and vice versa. One of them will stop at nothing to make the other feel safe, and this can make them unsee reality, distorted in an illusion. The one that is being saved also enjoys this attention, as they are clingy

Mother-Grandmother by some accounts. This contact brings depth, secrecy and transformation in a person's relationship with their Mom. Yes, it can be obsessive and possessive. It's Pluto man!
The easy contacts often offer a deep, loyal, yet honest relationship between the two, in which, no boundaries hold each other back, as they try to further understand and improve one another.
The harsh contacts may make the child feel insecure of themselves in front of their Mom, always hiding, always changing, and never accepting things the way they are. A child, born out of pain, and is sometimes (albeit rarely)... unwanted
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For Father relationships
Adding this for some context for your role as a future parent.

Thread to come later.
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