1/ @drcateshanahan : Seed and vegetable oils are the same thing - the number one health enemy.

Removing them is the first foundational step to getting your body to function normally.
2/What to look for

Three Cs and three Ss ("Hateful 8" in total)




--Restaurants almost universally cook with seed oils
--Also in so many processed foods

You might get 80% of your fat calories today from seed oils
3/ @drcateshanahan: Seed oils contain polyunsaturated fatty acids

The world is under the delusion that saturated fat (found in meat and dairy) is unhealthy


The American Heart Association (AHA).
4/ “The original medical lie:"

The AHA in 1940s and 50s was a collection of doctors who wanted to share insights about heart disease

Biochemist Ancel Keys promoted the idea that saturated fats were causing an increase in heart attacks

But his research was not sound
5/ Ancel Keys shuffled the deck to show that countries with higher saturated fat intake had the most heart disease, but left out some countries that would have eliminated the correlation
6/ Ancel Keys created the K-ration, which included processed foods, and developed relationships with processed food manufacturers

Proctor and Gamble became a big funder of the AHA.

P&G’s primary product? Crisco. Vegetable oil.

The AHA still recommends vegetable oils today
7/ @drcateshanahan:

"The AHA makes its money telling two lies:"

--Polyunsaturated fats are healthy
--Cholesterol will clog your arteries

We’re telling people to follow a diet that creates sickness.
8/ Seed oils build up in our fat stores and disrupt our hormones.

Seed oils make our cells dependent on sugar, which is the beginning of diabetes

We respond to this need for sugar by snacking, making it difficult to control our weight, or leads us to malnourishment & disease
9/ I've been removing seed oils from my diet for a year or so.

It is HARD to do.

Seed oils are in EVERYTHING, and almost universally used in restaurants.

Getting 100% free of them is difficult, but you can drastically reduce your consumption if you are vigilant.
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