Recently, I’ve been informed that @rothschildmd and @lilsarg have been calling me out on their pages after blocking me. They appear to be questioning the motives behind what I do. (1/8)
I’ve even seen replies to their tweets where people dig into my account trying to find personal information on me.

Let’s gets something clear right now @rothschildmd and @lilsarg. You have no idea who I am, and you have no idea what I’m doing. (2/8)
Yes, my account has seen significant growth very quickly. Why is that? (3/8)
I try to infuse humor into my tweets to help brighten people’s days. I use humor to make people laugh during tough times, but also so that people will listen when there are important messages to be heard. (4/8)
Have you ever heard of this strategy? I suggest you give it a shot. Perhaps people might listen to you guys more often then.

And any outrageous claims that I am in this to spread disinformation is blatantly false. Are you that curious about who I am? (5/8)
I’ll tell you this. I am an American, and I care about this country. I am not an elite media mogul or influencer. I am a normal person, doing my best to sustain our democracy. (6/8)
I find it especially pathetic that you tweet about me after blocking me, so I can’t even see what you’re saying. Also, just an FYI, doxxing is illegal. I have no problem getting lawyers involved if you or any of your followers goes that route. (7/8)
You need to reevaluate your priorities. You also need to stop being cowards. (8/8)
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