I don't know whether it's just me,

or being a psychiatrist gives you particular understanding into the interactions of health and state power,
or my interest in both Jewish and queer history informs me on the importance of having an awareness of the importance of safeguards against the potentially oppressive nature of governments, and a horror of sealed borders,
or my religious practice which I think leads me to an understanding of the difference between legality and morality,
or whether being exposed to lots of people in desperate situations in my work, and having to assess significant risk every day at work gives a different perspective on risk
Or if it's none of that and it's just my personality structure, but can't quite put into words how horrified I am by our response to Covid ....

Genuinely, it's hard to put it into words

I was horrified in March and am horrified now
Once the pandemic is over, need to fight to dismantle the response infrastructure. It won't dismantle itself

We need to fight the resultant inequalities

We need to relaunch liberation movements - of all types
We need to mourn the many lives lost - and also repair the inequalities in our society that have driven our horrendous death rates, that have hampered basic and effective public health measures,
And I never want to see government guidance on how to sit on a park bench ever again
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