In case you didn't already know, a healthy economy doesn't need regular stimulus injections of fake fiat money

And the US economy isn't just unhealthy, but actually an imposter of its own

time for a thread 👇
1/ First, we know that the economy won't survive without life support as we were warned by @JanetYellen

"any delays or insufficient support in implementing Biden’s stimulus plans could lead to lasting economic damage"

and of course, if the economy was healthy...
2/ It wouldn't need constant injections of fake money, as warned, it certainly does, because it's all fake

Interest rates are fake, prices are fake, even the output is fake, as it's all depressed, controlled, and perverted

and it's only grown and gotten worse over a century...
3/ fake money really took off in 1971 when the dollar left gold, with most people not even noticing

This single shift to counterfeit money helped the elite transfer wealth from 90% of main street to the 10% on wall street

see it illustrated perfectly 
4/ When you create fake money and artificially suppress the price of money, the whole system gets out of whack

Savings plummet, debt skyrockets, businesses don't invest in R&D and factories, and investors instead choose to gamble and speculate

The economy shifts from producing
8/ JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon said that if previous growth rates had been maintained, U.S. GDP would have been more than double what they were...

If he has the numbers right, it means that American families each lost an average of about $100,000 in the last 10 years alone.
9/ at the base of the problem boils down to something simple, yet misunderstood by many

It is the Government -

which sets the policies for us all to build and work on, which leads to something called "Capital Formation"
10/ Capital Formation is the process of building up the capital stock of a country through investing in productive plants and equipment and...

it is the thing that separates free, rich societies from poor, slave economies and why income higher in the US
11/ Free people accumulate capital, save money, start businesses, create goods and services that bring more wealth to everyone

Unfree people don't because, why bother accumulating wealth if it can just be taken away or have the rules changed with fake money and interest rates
12/ Time and resources are scarce and finite. They can either be used to create more wealth (capital formation)… or they can be consumed.

Gov, in most cases, are consumers and distributors of wealth that is created by the private sector

So... the solution is simple...
13/ While there is no example of a truly free market, we do see, the smaller and less intrusive the government, relative to the private sector,

the richer and freer the society

The more time taken up gov regulation, the less is left for the free, win-win, private sector
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