So there is currently a lot of speculation as to if Biden is actually in the Oval Office or not due to some things being out of place. (will provide photos below) I’m posting this because I thought it was interesting to say the least, but most of this is just speculation so...
Please use discernment towards this thread, another words I encourage everyone to do your own research...
So yesterday was eventful to say the least, yes it was the outcome we didn’t expect/want but if look into the finer details a lot of stuff still doesn’t make sense...
For instance take a look at this image. In the part with Trump there is a pattern on the curtains then looking behind Biden there is no pattern (keep in mind these photos are all within the past few days) now there is rumors of Biden “renovating the Oval Office” but yesterday...
A reporter asked that question during the press conference and the new press secretary wouldn’t give an answer if they did or did not do the renovations...(search it up)
The next photo you can clearly see trucks in the background, since when has the backside of the Oval Office been a car park? It’s possible that it is national guard due to the 65k and counting in DC alone, but still this is an odd place for a truck to be to say the least...
In the next photo (taken from the original video of him signing EO’s) you can see from every angle of the video that these pages are blank, and to debunk the whole camera overexposure hypothesis which I originally thought, where is the seal that is supposed to be on the page?...
And to add to that why did he sign randomly on the middle of the page? Very strange if you ask me... and on top of that this website states he signed 0 EO’s from that day... (read bottom sentence on photo)
There is many more flaws that I could mention but these are just a few examples of it all... so based on this all this has led some to speculate that this is just for “show” and is actually a movie set...
Well what if I told you all that there is is a company named, I kid you not...“Castle Rock Entertainment” that is owned by Warner Brothers... Well what if I told you they own a 1:1 scale replica of the Oval Office, east/west wing and has shot movies there in the past?(Link below)
Now for those who are familiar with Cue know the post referring to Red1 through Red6 ending off on “Castle_Rock” what a coincidence that this place that happens to have a “very extensive replica” of the White House is named Castle Rock... 🤔
They even have a replica of the inside of AF1... Now this is all speculation like I said in the beginning but this set being built back in the late 90’s there will be some slight differences compared to the actual Oval Office... If any of this is correct...
Then that leads to the question as to why? Is it possible the military is in control behind the scenes? Could the be the “shadow presidency” 17 has alluded to in the past? It’s possible...
Long story short there’s some bizarre things going on right now and I find it a huge coincidence that the Film Company is named Castle Rock...
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